J. Brooks Coffee Roasters - Best Coffee In Memphis

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Welcome to our new blog!

Coffees are like people – they each have their own personality, and they can be challenging and unpredictable at times.  As the most complex food item on our planet with over 850 chemical flavor compounds, coffee offers virtually endless possibilities for variety and enjoyment.  We’ll explore the reasons for coffee’s astounding complexity in this space and hopefully your excitement and appreciation for your daily cup will just continue to flourish.  Get ready to explore the world of Roastinality!

We love to share the wonderful spectrum of flavors we find in specialty coffees.  Light, medium, or dark roast – your fave flavor zone is our playground.  This variety sets us apart from some in our industry, honestly, but your feedback really fuels our energy for discovery and excellence.  As always, your questions & input are incredibly valuable so hit us with comments & enjoy the ride!